Calça de montaria verde + over the knee + casaco preto

domingo, julho 31, 2016

Look básico para um dia medianamente frio em Piratini: uma calça de montaria verde bem quentinha, apeluciada, over the knee para ajudar a aquecer as pernas e um casaco para "atacar" o vento minuano que sopra do Uruguai.

E não esquece de me seguir no Bloglovin e no Instagram.


3 comentários

  1. Que linda a sua cidade. Bem arborizada... pena que faz frio rsrs

  2. Is it still cold in Brazil? I thought because it was the Olympics that it must be a lot warmer now. In any case you are looking great! I would love if you can link up to

  3. Hello dear,

    The Rio Grande do Sul, the state where I live, just south of Brazil, has not the tropical climate of the rest of the country. Unlike Rio de Janeiro, where there are the Olympics, where everything is always hot and is an eternal summer. In my state, Rio Grande do Sul, we have harsh winters, with temperatures below zero on the Celsius scale, snow, frost, and very cold.


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